From manuscript to published novel … the Indie way!
Hello Reader and Friend,
Did you have time to read the first chapters of Clean Sweep? I hope so, and I hope you are interested to learn more of Carli’s journey, as well as the stories of several people on the streets.
As you might have noticed, the first two chapters came to you as a simple pdf. Nothing fancy. Nothing that looked like a book layout.
Today, I want to share with you a bit about the wheels that are secretly spinning in the process of publishing that will enable Clean Sweep to go from my computer Word document to a finished book or eBook.
Call it the down and dirty, the nitty gritty, the “deets” of publishing.
There is a magical program called Vellum. I have no stock or interest in Vellum, other than to say it is magical! I learned of Vellum from another “indie author.” For those who don’t know, I am an “indie author.” This means I am publishing Clean Sweep myself, and am not going through the traditional publishing process of finding an agent to represent my manuscript, and waiting for said agent to connect with a wonderful publishing company interested in adding Clean Sweep to their booklist.
It would be a thrill to publish traditionally, but I am not getting any younger, and I would like interested readers to find my story sooner rather than later. To this end, I have created my own publishing company called Little Brown Dog Press. More on this in another letter. For a look at the cute dog behind LBDP see:
As an indie author, I am going it alone ... with the help of Vellum (and my cute dog).
With a simple upload of my computer file to Vellum, my word document (and other types of documents) can be formatted for printed book or several eBook reading devices. Did I already mention it was magical? I have leeway in selecting font style, page size for print books, page break styles, and the like, but Vellum does the bulk of the work. I can then upload the file that Vellum generates to a variety of online and print sales and distribution channels, including Amazon, Kindle, Apple books, and IngramSpark, which reaches retailers and libraries worldwide.
Simultaneously, I have been working with a cover designer.
Let me tell you, I love, love, love the cover that Kathleen Lynch (Black Kat Designs) has created. In my mind, it is perfect for the story. The cover skips the Vellum process, but gets uploaded, like the manuscript, into the various sales, printing, and distribution networks. With various additional clicks on the computer, when I am ready, Clean Sweep can be offered for sale.
So, why can’t I buy Clean Sweep yet?
Patience, please.
Readers like to know what other readers think of a book before they decide to read it. Call it social credibility. As you read this, I am awaiting the first reviews, so I can add some “blurbs” to the cover. Yes, believe it or not, they are called blurbs; those catchy phrases that give a book credibility. Advance Review Copies (ARCs) are what go out to reviewers prior to publication, enabling them to read the book prior to the book release date.
Prior to July, 2021, I will be hoping to have additional reviews.
When it comes to a crowded publishing world, and it comes to sellers, and their associated logarithms deciding which books to promote, having a lot of reviews gets points, like big time. So, hold onto your bookmarks, folks, as I might be asking you to consider leaving a review. It’s up to you.
What else goes on behind the scenes?
The shortlist: planning author events, setting up “blog tours” with individuals who host book blogs and podcasts, setting up proper identifying information with the ISBN agency, submitting for copyright protection and other logistics.
When I started flower farming, back in the 2010s, I was in it for the flowers.
I quickly learned I was running a business. (Light bulb moment.) Here I go again... Only this time, I believe I will be able to “get off the farm” a bit, and will be able to share wonderful mental energy with you, Reader and Friend.
Enjoy your reading. Enjoy your personal story. Embrace life!
E. B. Lee is an author of fiction. Her first novel Clean Sweep has a July 20, 2021 release date.