I came by dogs, or more appropriately, DOG, late in life. Surrounded by felines as a child and young adult, it wasn’t until I received the hand-me-down dog from my own young-adult daughter that I had a real dog in my life. I freely admit it changed a few things in my daily routine. I also admit to most changes being very positive, as though I was waiting for this opportunity my entire life.
Quite a few readers and friends ask about my daily writing routine. I would like to say I stick to a very strict schedule, which changes little from day to day. In reality, I follow a more loosey goosey routine, but it works. In general, it includes a relaxed approach to my first waking hour, including or followed by some paperwork, which is usually related to bills, not writing. Then, my dog and I set out upon a walk - very exciting. She loves it. I love it. I love watching her lead the way, with stops and starts prompted by everything magical her nose picks up.
During walks, I leave my mind completely open to thoughts writing-related and otherwise. I often pounce upon a random thought, or a part of a novel I am writing, and I mentally create a scene or dialogue with every step. I guess you could say I am mulling over story, character and dialogue possibilities or I am letting ideas percolate. Either way, upon returning home, it is time for little doggy body to settle for a bit while I set fingers to keypad. The fun continues! If I did not have a dog, I might spend more concentrated time in front of my lap top. Would this really be better than dreaming up stories as I walk? Of filling my heart with love and gratitude as I enjoy the outside world and heartwarming antics of another, albeit a four-legged one? Besides, screen glare is real!
After a few hours, dog and I consider lunch and a break from work. We fill time in a number of ways. Every day is a bit different. Personal time pops in, but I usually keep my laptop handy, even if dog and I are simply sitting outside, watching people passing by. Being an indie author means I wear more than one hat. Writing is only one of my daily work tasks. I fit some of them in during this time.
A second dog walk and dedicated time for play is an enjoyable part of our late afternoons or early evenings. Then, at some point after dinner, dog settles down, content to spend her next hours sleeping, moving to another sleeping location and resettling, and maybe moving again to resettle . I pull out my laptop in earnest for a good stretch of quiet time, writing, and expansion of thoughts. Some nights, we call it a day early. Other nights, we go into the early morning hours. I never know which it will be until I finally turn off the light. And, like so many other writers, I often find more thoughts winding through my mind just as I set head to pillow. Some nights, I let them go as they wish. Other nights, I reach, again, for my laptop. Dog, in the meantime, sleeps on, but occasionally, lifts her head, and opens weary eyes to check on the wellbeing of her coworker. No, I wouldn’t have it any other way.