Of cycling in novels and real life

Have you bicycled recently?

I adore bicycling. It allows the perfect pace for travel. I can go fast enough to see more than if I were walking, but slowly enough to see so much as I go.

 Clean Sweep includes several references to bicycling. In Manhattan, no less. Have you gotten to this part in the novel yet? If not, get ready to meet Royal, a thick-tired bike with royal blue fenders. Royal belongs to Grant, but you will be able to imaging riding double, on the handlebars ... in the middle of the night, as Grant takes Carli for a ride!

Here’s a cool bicycle opportunity for you, if you happen to live near Manhattan.

It’s called Summer Streets. For several Saturdays in August, nearly 7 miles of NYC’s streets are open for people to play, walk, bicycle, skateboard, and even walk your dog (or skateboard with your dog) along Park Avenue from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park and on some of the side streets, while auto traffic is kept away. I have done this for about 5 years now.

 You, too, can bicycle without cars on Saturday, August 14. Yesterday was the first of this year’s Summer Streets. Next Saturday, August 14, from 7 AM to 1 PM, is the second and last Summer Streets for 2021. In 2019, nearly 300,000 people enjoyed the open streets! 

Check out the schedule of activities along the route here (there are some fun ones!) and other details of Summer Streets here: https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dot/summerstreets/html/route/activities.shtml
