If tea and crumpets are “a thing” what on this beautiful, heavenly earth would you call tea and chocolate?
Who cares? Go for it!.
I drink tea every morning, and much of the day, unless something unforeseen stops me, as in I am totally under the weather and can’t even move my pinkie finger.
I take my tea dark, even though I almost always mix black tea with green tea for the fabulous antioxidants. I used to add skim milk. Then I switched to whole milk. I pressed onward to half and half, and then hit the big time with whipping cream, un-whipped. Yes, I have imagination. This might sound unappealing, but it only takes a smidge, and I mean a SMIDGE (picture DROPS, not teaspoons) to make a HUGE culinary impact. Somewhere along the way, I figured it might make an impact on my body, so I now take my tea plain (most of the time).
When I was a child, I learned to drink tea, a favorite drink of my mother, but only after I added sugar (it was cubes back then, not granules) or honey. My mother took hers plain in an English tea cup made of bone china, on a matching saucer, even when she sat outside on a low stonewall in her gardens to enjoy its warmth and soothing touch. Can you picture this? In our new world of 20-ounce mugs?
At some point, my mother switched to coffee as a first choice of warm beverage. Not I. In over six decades, I have had exactly one cup of coffee, immediately following an indoor team tennis practice in high school. It was there for the taking ... so... wanting to be part of the coolness of it all, I poured my first cup of coffee and loaded it with fake creamer and artificial sweetener. It proved nauseating. Never again. Not even if I love coffee ice cream, which I do, or if I love the smell of coffee brewing, which I do as well. So happy to have high school days behind me, but this is for another day’s post.
For me, it is tea from now ‘til death do us part, which brings me to the chocolate part of this post. I hear a bit of chocolate is healthy. Could it add years, I wonder? I take “high test.” 63 percent is the lowest I’ll go. Picture this: a couple of delectable chocolate morsels (with all their good antioxidants) melting in your mouth following a sip of equally antioxidant-rich tea. I guess this more than makes up for the absence of honey or sugar. In fact, I know it does, but hear me out...
It’s not as though I do tea/chocolate chasers all day. While I am pretty sure I am single-handedly keeping a number of tea companies in business, there ARE points in the day when I stick to tea alone. If truth be told, however, I am pretty certain some of you might also be snacking on morsels of chocolate chips now and again. I think we can all agree baking is overrated when the need for the morsel strikes. Anyway, I highly recommend you give this tea and chocolate thing – whatever it is called – a try. Let me know what you think of it. Send a comment. And please don’t judge!
Also, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter for more musings on tea and much, much more. (I’m full of ideas…) Click HERE to get my newsletter and FREE chapters of Clean Sweep: A Novel.