Writing and Gardening - the Perfect Romance!


The Perfect Romance: Writing and Gardening!

As many of you know, I moved into my writing life fresh off a decade of work as a flower farmer. On a wish and a whim, I started my own little suburban flower farm, called Butternut Gardens, in Southport, Connecticut, and by the end of my flower career, I was growing and harvesting close to 100,000 flowers a year for retail and wholesale bouquets and events. Think of all those flowers! Sigh…

A question I am frequently asked is, “What did you do with all of your plants and your farm rows of flowers when you shifted to writing?” Thanks for asking. I NEVER WANT TO STOP TALKING ABOUT FLOWERS, no matter how many books I write!


During this upcoming growing season, if you follow my Instagram posts @eblee.author, you will see exactly what I have done with my plants because I want to share with you, my dear Readers and Friends, my journey of turning all the rows of flowers back into a home landscape of perennial plants (plants that come up year after year). Yes, I love writing. I also need breaks from time to time. No reason not to mingle with the flowers.

Last year, throughout the summer, I dug up some 20 rows, at least, of plants. Everything from phlox, coneflower, and black-eyed-Susans, to peonies, lady’s mantel, and more. These are four-foot-wide rows by 50’ to 60’ long. Some plants I gifted to a new flower farmer. Others went into my original gardens, which had been replaced by farm rows during my farming years.

Moving plants last summer was a ton of work. I am thrilled to have that part behind me. The more fun part of last summer’s endeavor was envisioning what is to come. Knowing in my brain what I expect will result from planting certain plants where I placed them is exciting. Now, comes the fun part of seeing this vision come to fruition over time. During the upcoming year, I will share news of my gardens on Instagram, so be sure to check my posts @eblee.author for photos and updates.

Also, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter so you will know when I am sharing garden thoughts! As a benefit of signing up for my newsletter, I will send you the first two chapters of Clean Sweep FREE. Just click HERE.

Stay warm, and think plenty of “flowerful” thoughts!

Time flies by, and an audiobook flies in!

Now out! Narrated by the very tallented Daniela Acitelli. I LOVE her voice for this story!

Fall, I love ‘ya, but where did Summer go? I’d like tell you I was diligently writing away all summer, finished my second manuscript, and had all manner of author appearances scheduled, but it would be a lie… fiction!

I spent the summer dealing with life! And all it throws at you. Nothing we don’t do all the time. My former business - a little suburban flower farm in Southport, CT - is now in the very capable hands of a new, YOUNGER flower farmer and his family. I am excitedly watching it grow as Butternut Farm, instead of Butternut Gardens, as I had called it. The farmer and I planted dahlias together in June, and I am thrilled to now see the incredible blooms heading into people’s homes, without my having to lift a finger! So, why did this stop the writing process? All summer, I was madly digging and moving plants, cleaning out a barn and workspace, and removing fencing to give plants and growing supplies to the new Butternut Farm and to recreate my own home landscaped gardens. Oo la la, I have gardens (not farm rows) again! On top of this, I was dealing with “the little brown dog,” who had her second CCL (like our ACL) tear and related surgery in less than six months and then, mid-summer, developed allergies and hives! Little Brown Dog and I will be dealing with this allergy business for a while! Finally, one of my family members needed my help when his body decided it was time to pop in the request for open-heart surgery! Oh, hooray! Thankfully, all went well. Needless to say, my writing did not! Oh well, life goes on.

So, what did I accomplish writing-wise? Well, I accomplished life, and this is a big help. I cleared some things off my plate, which needed clearing so I can now move ahead more freely. This is good.

In addition, I saw through the release of the AUDIOBOOK of Clean Sweep: A Novel. So, for all you travelers, or read-as-you-do-chores kinds of book people, here is a great opportunity to dive into Clean Sweep!

I want to share a bit about the process of creating an audiobook. It was new to me, and is likely something with which most of you are not familiar either. Here is the secret recipe: First, you find a narrator. I decided not to narrate my own book. I considered it, but chose a professional narrator instead. My reading of Clean Sweep would have sounded wonderful to me, as it would have been exactly how I hear the book, but it would not have been very dramatic or attention-grabbing. Enter the professional narrator to make the book come alive! I decided to find a narrator through Findaway Voices, which also does production and distribution of the final audiobook. Saves me the trouble, for which I am grateful. With a bit of information about Clean Sweep from my end, Findaway Voices suggested a number of possible narrators. I listened to their generic audition pieces through my computer and then selected a handful of these narrators to read passages of Clean Sweep. After listening to the Clean Sweep audition pieces, I chose the one narrator who would bring life to my novel in audio format. Daniela Acitelli, in my mind, has the perfect voice for Clean Sweep. I was listening for tone, inflection, cadence and overall feel. This last element might not be so scientific, but it mattered to me. Daniela and I exchanged emails pre-recording, so she and I were on the same page. She very professionally suggested I leave most of the narration decisions to her. Yes, I had to let go. I was not narrating. The result would not be my take on the narration. It would be Daniela’s. And I had to give her room to do her best professional work. Great advice!

As Daniela finished chapters, she sent them along to me to hear. This was after she had her own professional editor/proofreader ensure the words were narrated as they were written. Daniela’s narration was nothing short of spectacular. Oh, and did I tell you Daniela is in the UK, but produced the audiobook with an American accent, as requested? More impressive.

In nearly 100,000 words, I found less than a handful of words I wanted Daniela to say differently. For example, “BOGO” for Buy one Get one first came to me as a short “o” sound after the B, rather than a long “o” sound to which I am accustomed. Easy fix. And, I might add, Daniela did find a few words, which were misspelled in the text, and brought them to my attention. Outstanding!

Next, in the production process, I gave the okay for the nearly 12 hours of audio, after listening diligently days and days in a row. I gave the go-ahead to Daniela to include the Discussion Questions so book club members, who listened to the audiobook, could have the same questions as other members, who picked up a hard copy or read Clean Sweep in ebook format. So, all formats have the same discussion questions.

Now, it was time for production. Well, not much for me to do except give the go-ahead to Findaway Voices to use the narrated files, create some metadata for potential buyers, choose my distribution options, and upload the audiobook cover. Uh oh! Emergency request to my graphic designer required! Yes, I forgot to ask for a “cover design” in audiobook size, and I absolutely wanted to give credit on the cover to Daniela Acitelli for her narration. Well, thank you to Kathleen Lynch of Black Kat Design for creating the audiobook cover in a pinch so I could make my September 14 release deadline.

With a few more clicks on the computer, the Clean Sweep audiobook was headed for final production with Findaway Voices and its distribution partners. It is all yours to listen to! Enjoy, and tell me what you think of it by contacting me through my https://eblee.me/contact form!

Until next time,


Of cycling in novels and real life

Have you bicycled recently?

I adore bicycling. It allows the perfect pace for travel. I can go fast enough to see more than if I were walking, but slowly enough to see so much as I go.

 Clean Sweep includes several references to bicycling. In Manhattan, no less. Have you gotten to this part in the novel yet? If not, get ready to meet Royal, a thick-tired bike with royal blue fenders. Royal belongs to Grant, but you will be able to imaging riding double, on the handlebars ... in the middle of the night, as Grant takes Carli for a ride!

Here’s a cool bicycle opportunity for you, if you happen to live near Manhattan.

It’s called Summer Streets. For several Saturdays in August, nearly 7 miles of NYC’s streets are open for people to play, walk, bicycle, skateboard, and even walk your dog (or skateboard with your dog) along Park Avenue from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park and on some of the side streets, while auto traffic is kept away. I have done this for about 5 years now.

 You, too, can bicycle without cars on Saturday, August 14. Yesterday was the first of this year’s Summer Streets. Next Saturday, August 14, from 7 AM to 1 PM, is the second and last Summer Streets for 2021. In 2019, nearly 300,000 people enjoyed the open streets! 

Check out the schedule of activities along the route here (there are some fun ones!) and other details of Summer Streets here: https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dot/summerstreets/html/route/activities.shtml


Launch Day is Here for Clean Sweep: A Novel

E.B.Lee receives a congratulatory shake of hand/paw from Quinnifer, the dog behind Little Brown Dog Press

E.B.Lee receives a congratulatory shake of hand/paw from Quinnifer, the dog behind Little Brown Dog Press

Today, July 20, 2021, Little Brown Dog Press released my book, Clean Sweep: A Novel by E. B. Lee. I am so happy to finally be able to share this story with you, dear readers!

Clean Sweep: A Novel is currently available in eBook, softcover, and hardcover. An audiobook will be released in September.

Here I am enjoying a congratulatory shake of hands/paws with the little brown dog behind Little Brown Dog Press.

We DID IT! Come read and ENJOY, dear Readers and Friends!


Having a Banner Week Here!

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Look who’s getting the star treatment!

Release day is approaching! Clean Sweep will be available July 20th, although you can preorder the ebook right now, if that is your preferred reading platform.

In the meantime, I want to share what some of the advance reviews are saying:

“Author E. B. Lee tells the stories of the homeless characters with incredible warmth and compassion, never forgetting that these are human beings with pasts—and futures.”— IndieReader

Clean Sweep: A Novel gets a Starred Review as Blueink writes, “Tackling important, societal concerns in a well-written, finely-paced style, this novel provides a satisfying and engrossing read ... While set in New York City, the story could take place anywhere in the country ...  Author E.B. Lee writes in a straightforward way that’s vivid and authentic.”— BlueInk Starred Review

Love Reading, the UK’s leading book recommendation website considers Clean Sweep one of the “Indie books-we-love” and has this to say: “A serious book that focuses on the very important topic of homelessness in a way that is engaging and compassionate. This is a very worthwhile read...”

Meanwhile, back in America, Manhattan Book Review calls Clean Sweep “Insightful and engrossing,” with the reviewer adding, “I felt attached to each character ... the plot twist in this novel ... will catch you off guard in the best way possible. Those interested in serious fiction would appreciate this book and the many topics it explores ....”

Preorder your ebook today or keep the countdown going to purchase your paperback or hardcover edition on July 20th. That’s next Tuesday!

Until then —Enjoy your reading. Enjoy your personal story. Embrace life.
